Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Operation Baby Almond 2008: Update

I thought I would write a quick update about Operation Baby Almond 2008. Yes, that is what I am going to start calling this pregnancy!

I went for my June check up yesterday afternoon and everything seems to be going well. I met a new mid-wife, there are 3 in the practice, and I really liked her a lot. Not that I don’t like the first mid-wife ok, but she seems a bit patronizing. I can’t stand being patronized. Anyway, I was able to hear the heart beat, and it was sooo clear! I was just expecting a wa-wa sound, but it sounded as if I was listening to my own heart through a stethoscope. Well, my heart sped up a lot that is. It is amazing that little monkey’s heart can possibly beat that fast. She didn’t count it, but said that it was really strong. We will be going back on July 23rd, the day after Jake’s b-day, to find out what we are having! It seems so far away, but I know the 5 weeks will fly by really fast. I was hoping they would see me sooner, but it is probably best this way. There shouldn’t be any doubt at 19 weeks. Hopefully baby won’t be shy on that day!

They also did another blood test; I am not worried about it at all. And, even the mid-wife was confused as to why they needed to do another. But, I guess my first mid-wife is being cautious. Whatever… They are doing it free of charge. I declined to have any other testing done. This was something else that impressed me about the second mid-wife. When she asked me if I was going to go through with all the other testing (downs, ect…) and I said no, she didn’t even blink an eye. It was nice to be able to make a decision without anyone looking at me like I was a horrible person.

So, over all Operation Baby Almond 2008, is a success thus far.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

The experience of my eyes...

I was driving on a back road Monday morning around 7:40am, completely taking for granted the nice car I drive and the air condition blowing cold air in my face. I was taking for granted that I have family and friends, a wonderful husband, and my youth. I was taking for granted that I have a job, and even though things are hard sometimes, make my bills. I realized all this in a period of about 2 seconds. I saw something that made me sad. What I saw made me sad for many reasons, and it made me really think about the world we live in. This is the experience of my eyes…

I was driving down the road, enjoying a new CD and hoping I made it to work on time, when I saw him; he was about 80+ yrs old. He was standing by the side of the road with a cane in one hand, and the other held away from his body in the position that some people would give the thumbs up sign. Only he wasn't giving the thumbs up sign, he was trying to catch a ride. He looked so frail, and gaunt. In the 2 seconds it took for my car to pass him, I saw more about this individual than I probably see of myself every morning in the mirror. He is alone, he has no one, and he has nothing. I watched him for as long as I could, even to look back in the rear view mirror. After our line of cars passed, with no one offering a ride, he started feebly walking the scorching, uneven asphalt. This is the point at which I realized how awful this world can really be.

I started thinking that it wasn't fair that I couldn't offer him a ride. I was angry that when I thought about the idea, I had this grotesque scene run through my head of this little old man turning vicious and bludgeoning me to death with his aluminum cane. But, I also realized that in today's world it could happen. This is what made me sad. It is a sad day when we can't help strangers in need for fear of being killed or robbed. It is sad that the innocent suffer because of this.

I even tried to justify my thoughts by thinking horrible thoughts about this man. "He's probably a drunk… I'll bet he beat his kids, and that's why they aren't around…." But this only made me feel worse. Why do we automatically assume that someone is in a bad situation because they did something to deserve it? Why are we so jaded?

I just wanted to cry for this old man. I don't care what his story is, I just know that he needed help and there was no one to give it. I hope he made it where he was going.