Friday, August 22, 2008

My Belly

I kept forgetting to take pics of the belly, and finally last night I got out the little camera and took one! I just decided that I had better do it now, before I got any bigger. I have one from 12 weeks, but I can't find it at the moment... So, these will have to do.

This is 24 weeks.


PS... I had a midwife appointment today and it went really well. I have gained a whole whopping total of 4lbs. She said that everthing looks good, regardless of my weight, and to keep up what I am doing. And, we found out that Ryan does not like for his heartbeat to be heard. Everytime she would find a good spot with the doppler, he would kick it hard! Once her hand actually left the belly he kicked so hard!
Just thought I would share!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Prayer Request

Jake's grandmother has been ailing for sometime now and appears to be at the end of her life. She is in the final stages of Alzheimers and her body is starting to fail. Here is the most recent info I have (this morning). She has extensive artery disease in all areas. The veins in her legs are extremely blocked up with blood clots and calcium and there is really nothing they can do. Her left foot is already dead and her right foot seems to be dying. For now they are just trying to make her comfortable. Her blood clots are moving and that could kill her at any time, although she seemed to be feeling fine last night. All pain has stopped in the left foot and the right one only hurts when its touched. If she is still living in a day or two, they will have to amputate the left leg above the knee to stop further rot. They may have to do the same for the right. They are putting that off so she can have a little more time with family when she is at least semi-alert.
Please pray for the family right now.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

My boring life...

I was sitting here at working thinking about how I hadn’t blogged in a while. So, I thought I would waste some of my boring day and write a little. There really isn’t much to write about honestly. Things have been going really well lately. I have been feeling good; my belly is growing every day. Ryan is going to be a kick-boxing champion. Oh, and for those of you who didn’t already know, we are pretty sure the name is going to be “Ryan Christopher Almond.” We are at least sure about the Ryan and Almond part.

Last week the alternator went out on my car. But, thankfully I had taken out an extended warranty when I purchased the vehicle, so it was covered. I think it was the first time that I felt smart about a purchase! Lol! Most of the time I have a warranty for something and I never have to use it, or the item breaks right after the warranty expires. I’m so glad this wasn’t one of those times.

I cleaned out my closet yesterday, which was a huge accomplishment. I am still very proud of myself. I now have room to put baby things in there! And, I found my knitting supplies! I had already started on a baby blanket last year, and it is colored for a boy! How convenient… So, I am going to finish it soon. Along with cleaning out the closet, I have also gotten almost all the laundry finished. Woohoo! We have a 3 bin hamper, and it is really not a good thing for us to have. We let our clothes pile up for way too long. So, as soon as the clothes are finished, I am throwing it out. I have decided that we need to simplify as much as possible before Ryan arrives.

They say that around the time you deliver, you go into nesting mode. Well, I can’t imagine what I will be like then, because I have been on a roll this week. Here is the list of things I have accomplished so far.

Hung Curtains in Bedroom
Hung Picture over bed
Went through clothes to give to charity
Cleaned out closet
Washed a ton of clothes, folded and put away,
Dishes (this never seems to be complete)
Cleaned Bathroom
Started on the Spare/junk room.

My goal is to clean out the spare room so we can put some baby stuff in there too. It isn’t really bad in there, but it needs some organizing.

So, my short blog has turned into a small novel. But, I am finished now. I don’t think I have anything else to add.
Except this: I’m not happy about Bret Favre, and I am so glad that Football is back; Even if it is only preseason!

There. Now I am finished!