Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Wednesday is a good day

I found out that I will still be off on Mon and Tues! Yea! I was so worried! :-) So, it looks like our plans (or lack there of) will still be fulfilled. I am looking forward to having 4 days off, and just relaxing. I am not sure what we will be doing, but I do know that it will include dinner and a movie. :-) Possibly a trip to the aquarium? The battleship? A New Restaurant? Who knows what the weekend will hold!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Tuesday again...

It is only Tuesday and I feel like I have worked a whole week. Yesterday felt like it was eternal. Mondays seem much longer than they are, but yesterday took the cake. I just had so much to do at work. And, one of my teller's quit. She didn't give a notice or anything. I am not upset that she left, in fact I understand competly. It just seems that timing isn't on my side. I am supposed to be off this coming Mon and Tues, for our 3yr anniversary. But, if I can't get another teller to replace her, I have to work. To which I am not going to be happy, and may have a slight breakdown. I NEED those 2 days. Last year I didn't even get to see Jake on our anniversary. I was in training for work 6 hrs away. So this year, if I get screwed over agian by work, I am going to be very upset. Not to mention that Jake and I really need the time together. It is rare that we can take off at the same time, unless it is a holiday. So, we don't really get to spend a lot of quality, alone time together. We both need to have those days to talk, go out to eat, relax. Reconnect. Not that we aren't connected, but with the stress of work and life in general, sometimes you aren't as close as you should be. We were both really looking forward this weekend. Oh well. We will see how it turns out. Maybe I can beg someone! :-)

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Dreaming of.....

Lately I have had very bad dreams. I guess that the appropriate word would be nightmares. I am not sure that I want to go into detail as to their content but they involved the extreme sickness and death of people close to me. I actually woke up crying one night. These dreams have haunted me all week. I know that they weren't real, but they seemed so real I can't shake them. I feel like they have stolen somthing from me. I don't know what it is, but I feel myself fighting to reclaim it. I know I will win the battle; I just wish I could stop dreaming for while.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Coordination and the lack there of...

I was just thinking about how uncoordinated I am. It is really strange, how I can sit down and play Bach on the piano, yet I can't walk without hurting myself! I seriously walk into a door frame at least once a week, most times more. I drop things all the time. When I drink out of a glass, I will miss my mouth and pour water all over myself. You would think that was like Martin Short's character in Pure Luck. If there is a broken chair in the room, I will sit in it. Last night I went bowling with the girls from work, and I almost took out one of my tellers with the ball! Yet, through all of this I can pull out music and play it like it is nothing hard at all. I think that at a very young age, while I was still developing my coordination skills, I put all my efforts in piano. Perhaps my brain focused so hard in this one area that everything else suffered! :-)

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Tuesday's gone with the wind...

Deciding what to write usually isn't a problem for me. Today, however, that is not the case. My day was very ordinary. I had my monthly meeting at work, which went really well. I am officially finished with the whole kidney stone episode, which makes me very happy. I slept good last night. Oh, I had to take a freezing cold shower this morning, which put me in a less that thrilled mood for the first part of the morning. I went to VS and got PJ's on an awesome sale. Matt called, which was also awesome, we hadn't really talked in a while. Other than that, not a lot has happened. I guess I should be thankful. It isn't very often that I have a day that is just a day. :-) So, now that I have told you about my day.... How was yours?

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Kidney Stones Redux

Ok. So, I am really tired, and ever so slightly under the influence of several beers. I usually don't drink much at all, but I have been trying to pass the kidney stone. And, I think I may have either passed it, or part of it. All I know is that there was something resembling a speck of pepper in the water. yea! Any progress is progress! I am really hoping that I did pass it and that I am finished with this mess. I will know later, if I start hurting again, I will know they aren't done with me. :-0 Hopefully, this won't be the case. :-) I just wanted to send an update....

Friday, January 4, 2008


I am sitting at work bored out of my mind. There is nothing to do, and it has been unreasonably slow today. I am still suffering from this damn kidney stone. The pain is lower, so I think I will pass it soon. I really wish I could be home asleep right now!
I am going to go rent an old Cary Grant movie tonight. It will either be Operation Petticoat, or Father Goose. Both are really funny, so I can't decide. Although, I heard that Shoot Em' Up would make me laugh so hard, I would pass the kidney stone laughing.... So, I may get that.
I also can't decide what to fix for dinner this weekend. I am thinking chicken and dumplings, or chicken salad. Maybe both. Wow. I have a boring ass life! My weekend is going to be unpacking boxes, organizing, cooking, and cleaning. I really need to get a life! :-)