Thursday, February 21, 2008

Better now...

I had started this blog a couple of days ago, and my computer messed up. So, I thought I had lost it. But, here it is! It is similar to one that I posted in its place. I am really bored at work, so I thought I would post it anyway. :-)

Finally! I am getting better. My nose is a little runny, and I have that famous lingering cough. Not to mention the horrible fatigue that follows a round of the flu. But I am on the mend.

This week has been rather boring, so I don't have a lot to write about. I didn't get to see the lunar eclipe last night. It was too cloudy. Kristi saw a fox though, I thought she said "someone is throwing rocks." So, that was kind of funny. I was like where? She said it ran under the board walk! I was like huh? Ok, so that was a "had to be there" moment! :-) I started playing the piano again this week. I haven't been very motivated to do anything lately. And, I didn't have my keyboard for several months. So, my music has suffered greatly. It really feels good to play again. Although, it is also very frustrating for me. It is taking a lot of work to play the most simple things. I will get back on track if I really pratice ever day. It is going to take some hard work, but I can do it. :-)

I have been really homesick the past couple of weeks. I haven't been home since before Christmas. We are hoping to go home around Easter. I really hope everything works out. I haven't seen Mom's side of the family in a year. Not all together anyway. I really miss the family get togethers.

I am also hoping that everything works out because a friend of mine is having a baby soon, and it would awesome to get to see her and the baby!

Well, I need to work now. So, I will write more later!

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