Friday, August 22, 2008

My Belly

I kept forgetting to take pics of the belly, and finally last night I got out the little camera and took one! I just decided that I had better do it now, before I got any bigger. I have one from 12 weeks, but I can't find it at the moment... So, these will have to do.

This is 24 weeks.


PS... I had a midwife appointment today and it went really well. I have gained a whole whopping total of 4lbs. She said that everthing looks good, regardless of my weight, and to keep up what I am doing. And, we found out that Ryan does not like for his heartbeat to be heard. Everytime she would find a good spot with the doppler, he would kick it hard! Once her hand actually left the belly he kicked so hard!
Just thought I would share!


BE said...

How cute is your belly!!! Glad all is going good. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Okay, you've only gained four pounds? Wow! You look so cute. I hope you're feeling as good as you look.

Shannon said...

I told ya'll... cutest pregnant girl EVER!!!!

farmersdaughter4ever said...

you are SO brave....I would NEVER post a picture, I don't like the way I look pregnant, everyone says I "look great" but lets be honest, is anyone going to really say I look horrible?...doubt it! I did the same thing w/ Ian, I hadn't gained any weight at half was really nice! This baby doesn't like to have his heartbeat heard either...they will find it, but he always flips away as soon as they get a good sound! cracks me up, you watch my belly do this like wave motion and the nurse is off again trying to track him down! you think that means they are going to be all boy or what! :) already giving us a hard time not wanting to do what's best for them! Glad everything is going so well for you....enjoy these weeks in your mid-pregnancy they are the best! :)