Saturday, November 15, 2008


Aloha my long lost friends....

I feel like I have been swept into an alternate demention! We are finally home from the NICU! Our first night home was rather uneventful. Ryan is nursing every 2-2.5 hrs, and is doing great. He is still not 5lbs; sooo tiny! :-) I will post some pics soon. I am finally feeling like I can rest. I am exhausted. We were basically having to stay because Ryan wasn't gaining weight, and he needed to have all his feedings by mouth.

I spent Wed and Thurs night at the hospital in his room so he could get his NG tube out. He did so well going to all his feedings by mouth. He is such a little pig! The Dr wanted to supplement two feedings with formula, to make sure that he got all the calcium and magnesium he needed. Well, Ryan kept spitting/projectile vomiting it up. I actually had to argue with the Dr about not using it anymore. Finally, an angel of a nurse came in and just point blank told the Dr that we would NOT be supplementing anymore and that I would be breast feeding exclusively. The Dr was trying to say that breast milk wasn't enough, and that he wouldn't gain weight unless he was on the formula. Well, the first night he went to all breast milk, by mouth I add, he gained 1.6 oz! Booya! That's what I really wanted to say to that "DR." The next night he gained even more.

When the Dr came in yesterday to discharge us, he commented about how surprised he was that Ryan responded so well to breast milk. He told me that I needed to continue doing whatever it was I was doing, because it was working.

I really wanted to make a snide remark about the power of boobs and how women for centuries have been raising healthy, happy babies on them alone. But, I held my tongue. I realize that he is NICU Dr, and they usually don't get to see a preemie go home nursing. The nurses all talked about how well Ryan and I "clicked" with breast feeding. I guess it really is a rarity. Our nurse, the one that really took care of me as much as Ryan, was such a god send. Her name was Fairy! :-) (Her parents were obviously hippies) She actually cried when we left, and made me promise to bring him by to visit. I don't know what I would have done without her. I had other nurses while Ryan was there, but she was the best. She was like a surrogate mom. :-)

So, we are home now and sleeping a lot. Like I said before, I will try to post some pics soon, but don't hold me to it! :-) I know you all understand...

BTW, I already am experiencing "mom-nesia." Lol!

Monday, November 3, 2008

I'm a Mommy!

Well, I was going to write an elaborate blog to explain all the details of the past few days. But, as most of you now know, I am a mom now and simple don't have the brain power or the energy to think and type it all. So, in a nut shell, this is what happened.

Thursday morning (10/30) I woke up thinking that something was wrong. So, I got up, called the midwife, went into the office and found out that my membranes were ruptured. I was sent immediately to the hospital and admitted. My white count was high, so they decided to induce me. 36 long hours later, Ryan Christopher Almond was welcomed into the world. His stats were: 4lbs 15.5oz. 15 3/4in long, and his apgar scores were 8 & 9.

Ryan is doing really well. He is in the NICU until he gains weight 3 days in a row, and is completely taking a bottle or the breast. He isn't on oxygen, finished his antibiotics yesterday, and will be off his IV soon. He does have a feeding tube in his nose, but it is only being used to finish his feedings. He is eating from a bottle, and we are working on the breast. He is a feisty little thing and knows exactly what he wants and doesn't want! :-) I am going to have my hands full!

I will post pics soon! Thank you for all your prayers and support.