Friday, April 17, 2009

LOST: Some Like It Hoth

Caution! There may be spoilers.
Some like it Hoth:

1.We find out that Miles’s father is indeed the Dharma scientist video guy. (I can never remember his name…) Along with this information we see, through a window, that his father was nurturing when he was an infant. This leads me to think that there is another reason that he made Miles and his mother leave the Island; if he did indeed have anything to do with them leaving.

A question we were discussing at work just now is: Does Miles’s father recognize him?

2.Daniel shows up on the sub, and he recognizes Miles. Shouldn’t Daniel be coming to the island for the first time? Or is he a time traveler? Hmmmm….. But, that also brings to question how long has he been time traveling?

3.Richard Alpert. What is up with him? I read a theory that suggested that he was a time traveler and since you don’t age while you are back in time, they suggested that he had gone back a LONG time and was working his way to the future. Another theory that was thrown my way is the possibility that he is actually Aaron grown up. This theory is still in the making, but I think it holds a lot of potential. There is something special about the “Shepherd” men. First Jack, then Christian, and then possibly Aaron.

There are so many different outlooks to the many questions that LOST brings to mind. All I really know, is that if this whole thing turns out to be like the movie “Identity” I am going to be really pissed.


BE said...

Hey! Love Lost too! Here are my thoughts:

1)I don't think Pierre Chang recognizes Miles, but I do think he sends them off, because he knows about the purge. There is video (I saw it on that shows that somehow Chang knows that DI gets wiped out. I think he makes his wife think he wants to leave her, so that she & Miles will be saved.

2) Daniel was one of the ones left behind and time traveled with Sawyer, Juliette & Miles back to the 70's. We saw him when they first arrived, but haven't seen what happened to him during the 3 years they were there. I think we find out more in an upcoming episode.

3) Richard. I'm not sure what theory I agree with most. I don't think he time traveled because he seemed surprised when Locke told him back in the 50's camp that he(Locke)flashed to the past. I think it has something to do with the 4 toed statue and the ancient temple stuff.

I too will be upset if it like Identity or someone is dreaming all this.

Shannon said...

Ummmmm, what Brandy said. :)