Wednesday, June 3, 2009

long over due!

Its official, almost all of our possessions are now in a 10x20 storage building. I am now basically living out of Rubbermaid containers. But, the good news is that it isn’t forever. One day in the not so distant future we will once again have dressers and a house of our own. Hopefully, we will have carpet too. Ryan doesn’t like the hardwood so much.

Ryan has his own room now, which I thought would be really hard for me, and is really adjusting well to it. (I am too)  I think the hardest part is getting up in the middle of the night to feed him. I can never decide if I should just take him to bed to nurse, or just use the rocking chair. He has gotten so big that it is difficult to sit comfortably and nurse him in it. His newest quirk is that he will be asleep, limp asleep, and as soon as I put him down, he wakes up. He will sit up and raise his arms for me to hold him again. At first I thought I would just leave him and let him work it out. But, that just isn’t going to happen. Most babies will stop crying after a while. Not Ryan. He proved this on a 3hr drive a while back. He cried and screamed the whole time. (Can we say stubborn?) Oh well, I really don’t mind rocking him back to sleep. It is the only time that I really get to cuddle with him anymore. He is constantly on the move. Another milestone/s for him is that he is crawling, pulling himself up, and is also saying Mama! I couldn’t believe that he is actually saying it. But, he is! We also think that he is trying to say Hank.

Hank doesn’t seem to mind the new place. Although, I know he misses the king size bed. We are now using a queen and there just isn’t room on it for all of us. And, since Jake refuses to sleep on the couch, it’s the floor for Hank! Lol! I put an old quilt on the floor, but I really need to get him a doggy bed. I think he would like it a lot more.

All in all, all is well. It’s a little cramped, but like I said before, it isn’t forever. I know that the months will fly by and I will wonder where they have gone.

The good part about everything is that I am now much closer to work. I only have a 10min drive! Woohoo! This is going to help out a lot with gas. I will also be able to go home and eat lunch. This will be much more comfortable than the break room, or my car.

Well, that is all I have to update on at the moment. So, until next time….


Anonymous said...
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Shannon said...

Don't you just love it when their little personalities come out? The talking and the reaching for you are so amazing. Remember to bask in each phase, they go so quickly. Our kids used to cry in the car too. We only drove on trips at night so they would sleep. We would leave around 6, eat in the car, and then all the kids fell asleep. It was great. One time when the twins were screaming Leigh looked at me and said, "It's amazing what parents can tune out." LOL, so true.