Friday, February 5, 2010

Marriage and Burnt Pancakes...

You may wonder why I chose to title this blog "Marriage and Burnt Pancakes" and how they are related. Well, let me start by telling you a little about my morning.

Today is our 5yr anniversary. And, in celebration of this milestone I decided to do something special for breakfast. I decided to cook pancakes, but not just any pancakes mind you. I wanted to make snowflake pancakes using a cookie cutter as my template. I made a big mistake though. I didn't get all of my tools together before starting to cook these special pancakes. As a result, the first two burned. My first thought was to just give up and not make pancakes at all. I promptly gave up the idea of making the special pancakes and decided instead to just made plain pancakes.
At first I was really upset, as I often am when I fail at something. I wanted something special and had to settle for just ordinary. Then as I was cooking I started thinking about marriage and how sometimes we burn our pancakes, metaphorically. I was thinking about how glad I was that even though we have had hard times in the past 5 years, Jake never gave up on me, or I on him. We didn't just throw out the ruined moments and give up. We didn't have all the tools we needed when we got married, but we somehow (not without help) managed to work through it and we now have a pretty good little pile of pancakes on our plate. They are ordinary, but they are good. Sometimes the special things aren't what we have materially, but are what we have without those things. So, thank you Jake for your unfailing love and dedication to me. Thank you Parents (on both sides) for being there with advice and help. Thank you friends for just lending an ear when needed. You are appreciated, and you are our very special marriage pancakes. :-)


BE said...

It's good to see you blogging again.

Happy Anniversary! Hard to believe it's already been 5 years.

Rockin' it up said...

You should write a book--that was awesome and i TOTALLY agree! We're not far behind from 5 yrs (April), so I know exactly what you mean!