Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Strange Feelings...

Tonight Ryan is staying with my parents. This is the first time that he has ever been away from us all night. It is a really strange feeling. I'm not sure whether I should feel happy, because I am going to get good rest, or sad because I miss him so bad. I thought I was ready for this "big step." But, I had to fight tears all the way home! It was kind of a last minute decision, so I think that has contributed to my anxiety. It just doesn't seem normal for him not to be here playing and singing and talking. I'm glad I will see him tomorrow morning. :-) I know that this is a good thing, and will allow Jake and I to take the occasional weekend away in the future. Now, lets just hope that my parents are able put him to bed on time, so we don't have a problems for the next few days. I came home and got his blanket, pillow, teddy bear, PJ's, toothbrush, and story book. :-) He could have probably gone without any of those thing, but it made me feel better. I hope my parents know what they have signed up for! He is a VERY early riser. I warned them, but I don't think they really understand how early 6am is...

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