Thursday, February 21, 2008

A boring week...

This week has been really boring so far. Nothing has really happened that is worth writing about. I guess I could tell you that I am finally on the mend after a run with the flu. I still have the sniffles, and that famous lingering cough. I also have extreme fatigue. But, I am getting better. My appetite is improving, which is helping me not feel so fatigued.
I started playing the piano again this week. I had lent it out to my parents for several months. Alex brought it back to me when we moved into our new house in Jan. But, I just haven’t been motivated to play. I should never stop playing though. It is a major stress reliever for me. I have just been so homesick and down, I haven’t felt like doing anything other than laying on the couch and watching TV. I am trying to make a conscience effort to be more upbeat; to look at the positives. The piano has helped me the last two days. I am sooo rusty! It is going to take some hard work to get back where I was.
Hank has decided that he likes the name Ricardo. He is such an odd dog. He has several names that he really likes. He answers to: Hank, Spooky, Rabbit, and Ricardo. So weird!
I have started reading a new author. Well, she isn’t new, but she is new to me. Jodi Picoult is her name, and her books are really good. So far, I have read Picture Perfect, and My Sister’s Keeper. Both books were really well written, and really made you think about the issues in them. They usually have a moral dilemma in them. And, they aren’t clear cut. You really identify with all sides in these stories.
Well, I have written more than I had planned! But, I need to work now. So, I will write more at later time.


Shannon said...

Wow, he moved a piano for you, I'm impressed! Keep on playing. How about some pics of the new house?

BE said...

Glad you are feeling better! We have had a boring week too. Nice to read your blog again!

Leigh N said...

Hey-who's havin a baby? is it Shana? I can't keep up with the babies in Stanly county--you guys thinkin about having kids soon/ever? not pushing here. I think Dave and I have decided never :)...don't tell my mom :) Glad your better!