Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Flu, Flu, and more Flu

In my last blog I wrote of being so happy that I was going to be off for our anniversary. I wrote about all the things we talked about doing. Alas, this little thing we call the influenza had other plans. Jake woke up that Saturday morning with a sore throat, and by mid-day couldn't even get off the couch. He got progressivly worse as the day went on, and ended up pretty much bed ridden for the remainder of our "vacation." He did start feeling some better on Monday night, and by Tuesday decided that he felt up to dinner and a movie. So, we went to On the Border, and saw Atonement.
I knew something wasn't right when we were eating, because I couldn't taste anything. But, I felt fine, so I ignored it. Wednesday night I ate something that made me really sick, so I had to take a half a day off work on Thursday. I felt better about mid-day and decided to go in. Then on Friday, I woke up with a scratchy throat. I thought to myself, uh-oh! I decided to ignore it and continue on with work. About 10:30, I crashed hard. My fever spiked, I became weak, and I was shaking violently. My legs were also cramping. I went to the break room to try and get control of the situation. I managed to take 2 midol, and they seemed to level out everything. So, I stayed at work. About 4hrs later, the same thing started all over again. Once again, I took 2 midol, and they helped, but this time, I stayed weak. By the time I got home, my fever was 101.5. This was at 7:10. By 7:30 my fever was over 102. For the next 3 days I might as well have been comatose. I couldn't respond, or think, or move without being in intense pain.
Today is my first day back at work, and I really think I might have gone back too soon. I am still very weak. I guess that is to be expected after running a high fever for almost 5 days. But, I am feeling better overall. The only thing that really worries me now is that I am very dehydrated. And, my chest hurts really bad. Hopefully, tomorrow will be better. :-)


BE said...

Oh, Heather, I am so sorry you guys got the flu. We have had it here too. I hope you get your strength back quickly, I know it took me almost an entire week to get mine back. At least you still got to go out somewhat for you anniversary! Get rest! - Brandy

Shannon said...

Yes, get rest and drink chicken noodle soup. Crossing my fingers that we don't get it, but it is all around us.

"B" said...

Hope you get to feeling better very soon! I enjoyed reading over your posts!


Anonymous said...

Hey, I have the flue too since last Sunday! Stuck in bed for the week :(