Thursday, April 17, 2008


Being pregnant is definitely going to be a challenge; challenging physically, and mentally. I am doing much better mentally in thanks to all my wonderful friends that have been so supportive and encouraging. Not to mention Jake who has been so supportive and loving. But, I am finding that I am being challenged on a completely different mental level now. I am so emotional/hormonal that I don’t know what to do! I feel so bad for Jake sometimes. I seriously will bite his head off over nothing. And, I cry at the drop of a hat. It doesn’t matter what it is. In fact, I could almost start crying writing about crying! Lol!

Here is a good example of an emotional outburst.

We were watching a movie (Lars and the Real Girl) and I was laughing, and then I wasn’t. Jake looked at me like I had sprouted two heads (which I guess I will get a lot). The movie was excellent by the way, it really showed what true family love and neighborhood support is all about. Not a family movie really, but if you get the chance to have a movie night with the hubby, rent it. But, anyway, after the movie went off I cried for over an hour. I could not stop! Jake was supportive at first, and we were both kind of laughing about it. But I guess after about 30mins it became really funny to him, and not to funny to me. He started laughing again, and I got furious. So here I am sobbing and furious. Then I wasn’t even angry, I was just hurt that he would laugh. I knew at the time that it was ridiculous I feel that way. Then I felt really bad about it all and that made me cry even harder!

These emotions make me feel like I am going crazy! Lol! If you have any advise please give it!


Shannon said...

Oh yes, it is an emotional roller coster. I cried over Hallmark commercials, and everything else. The hubby learned not to laugh, he just asked if I wanted him to do anything and usually I said I would be okay, lol.

BE said...

No advice, but I have been there, crying about the dumbest things. It will get better (or maybe I just got used to being more emotional, lol)

Rockin' it up said...

i thought i was pregnant a few months back just BECAUSE of my emotions. I would cry at the most random things. i still do it sometimes, and I have no clue why, but, as of yet, i'm not pregnant. it's not cool though. and you know how tough I like to look, so, crying is so not ok with me in front of other people, even Dave sometimes. i would like to say i feel your pain, but Brandy and Shannon really do and I have no clue. Hang in there! Give me a call any time if ya just wanna talk :) you can e-mail me for my #

it's still
love you!