Wednesday, July 23, 2008

It's a......

Just wanted to let you all know! :-)

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Perfect Strangers

I am sitting on the couch watching an episode of "Perfect Strangers" and thoroughly enjoying myself. :-) I used to watch this show with my grandmother, but hadn't really thought about it in years. Someone that I work with mentioned that they had the first 2 seasons on DVD. So, she let me borrow them and we have had so much fun watching it! I really miss when sitcoms were funny, and clean enough for the kids to watch. Now days everything is a sex joke, or an innuendo for one. Granted, kids don't really understand everything they hear, but at the same time you never really know what they understand. Kids are odd like that. Sometimes they remember things so obscure its almost creepy! Anyway, I was thinking about the show and how odd it would be to live with someone that you don't know. Even if they are related. Then I kind of chuckled because if you have kids you have done this! A baby is a perfect little stranger. A stranger who comes from a strange place, has its own language, and doesn't understand anything about how things are "supposed" to be. They have to learn how to acclimate to our environment. It must be really hard to be a newborn! There is a reason we don't remember that far back...

If you ever get the chance to buy or rent this show, it is worth it. :-)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A Teary Eyed Day

This morning when I woke up I didn’t think I was going to be able to pull myself out of bed. I have been having hot flashes, and not sleeping well for the past several days. So, on top of being really tired, I am also very emotionally charged. I was reading a friends blog yesterday, she is also preggo, and she was talking about how emotional she is, and how she cries over everything. I thought at the time, “Boy, I am so glad that I am not that bad, and haven’t had a hard time lately.” That thought was very premature! Of course, her outrageous emotions are from low iron and can be fixed. Mine are just from exhaustion. We had friends down this past weekend, and it was so much fun. I really enjoyed myself. However, it really wore me out. I hate that I can’t be the fun spontaneous person that I used to be. Not that I was ever “wild,” but I could stay up until way past midnight with no problems. Now, staying up past 10 is a major ordeal.

Anyway, I am very teary today. Every sad song that comes on the radio makes me want to cry. Even answering the phone makes me almost cry. I haven’t seen Jake since Sunday, just typing that makes me want to cry. I even tried to make myself suck it up by reminding myself that some of my friends and family have husbands or sig. others off fighting wars. That didn’t help. It just made me want to cry even more for them! Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day. Until then, I will sit here and try to think happy thoughts.

This reminds me… only 6.5 more days until we find out if we are getting a hamburger or hotdog! Yea! There is a happy thought. I will cling to that one! Lol!

Monday, July 7, 2008


I just thought I would write a quick update. Everything is going really well with the pregnancy so far. It seems that things have finally calmed down, we haven't had anymore bogus tests, so our stress level is much lower. :-)
We go back on the 23rd of this month to find out if we are having a boy or girl. So, we are starting to get excited. I think it will seem more real to us then. I am finally starting to "feel" pregnant, which I am sure sounds strange. Even though I was so sick for a while, it just seemed like a stomach bug. Now, I am showing, and the baby is moving more and more. I find that I can not stand as quickly as before, and I can't climb stairs as well either. I'm not big yet, but my equilibrium is way off. Trying to wash my feet standing in the shower is not a good idea! :-)
I told Jake that we are going to have to take some pics this week of my belly so I can post them. I have one from 12 weeks, but of course there is nothing there. Well, nothing from the baby that is! (I may not post that one...) Lol!
Well, that is about it for the update. It is rather nice to have such a short one!

PS. I just finished reading "Belly Laughs" and it was great. I really felt so much better after reading it. She really lays it all out there, no matter how embarrassing or ugly! I would suggest any one who is expecting, or thinking about it, to read it. I am going to try and get Jake to read it too!

Time in a bottle....if only!

Where does time go? I am over 17 weeks pregnant, and it seems impossible that I could be almost half way through with this pregnancy. I guess I should be thankful that time has passed so gracefully, but it bothers me instead. I can’t help but think that if time is going this fast now, what will it be like when the baby is actually here? Tomorrow is my cousin CJ’s b-day; he will be 16. That scares the poo out of me. I remember when he came home from the hospital! When I was 10, I would go and take care of him while my aunt was going through chemo. He was 2 then. How can he be 16??? Will my children grow that fast? Will the years just be a blur? Of course they will. I know they will. I guess the only way to survive is to just slow down a little and enjoy the blur.