Monday, July 7, 2008


I just thought I would write a quick update. Everything is going really well with the pregnancy so far. It seems that things have finally calmed down, we haven't had anymore bogus tests, so our stress level is much lower. :-)
We go back on the 23rd of this month to find out if we are having a boy or girl. So, we are starting to get excited. I think it will seem more real to us then. I am finally starting to "feel" pregnant, which I am sure sounds strange. Even though I was so sick for a while, it just seemed like a stomach bug. Now, I am showing, and the baby is moving more and more. I find that I can not stand as quickly as before, and I can't climb stairs as well either. I'm not big yet, but my equilibrium is way off. Trying to wash my feet standing in the shower is not a good idea! :-)
I told Jake that we are going to have to take some pics this week of my belly so I can post them. I have one from 12 weeks, but of course there is nothing there. Well, nothing from the baby that is! (I may not post that one...) Lol!
Well, that is about it for the update. It is rather nice to have such a short one!

PS. I just finished reading "Belly Laughs" and it was great. I really felt so much better after reading it. She really lays it all out there, no matter how embarrassing or ugly! I would suggest any one who is expecting, or thinking about it, to read it. I am going to try and get Jake to read it too!


BE said...

Glad you are doing well. Thanks for the update. Can't wait to find out if you're having a boy or a girl!

Anonymous said...

Still great to read news from you and the baby!!!
Take care.
