Thursday, September 11, 2008

I remember...

What I remember...

I remember being confused as to how a second pilot could crash into a building that tall, when he coudl obviously see another pilot had just made that mistake...
(Yes, I had a serious naive blonde moment...)

... how quite it was in the sky. It was eerie. mom calling me and telling me that I might should come home. And, I remember assuring her that a terroist wasn't going to attack a small southern town like ours with nothing to offer.

... cancelling piano lessons with my students because I couldn't concentrate.

... sitting in my car with Jake at WSBC, listening to the radio and hearing about the other planes.

... going to class at SCC, and just talking about it.

... Jake talking to me on the phone and saying "don't take this the wrong way, but I love you." (I really didn't take it the wrong way;I didn't know he meant other than in a friend way until much later...)

... turning off the radio while driving, because I couldn't listen to it anymore. The same thing with the TV. The sites and sounds were just too heartbreaking.

But, most of all, I remember the next day. The day when everything was revealed, and all the stories surfaced, and the heartbreak was at its peak for people all over the nation. The day when they knew that their loved ones that were missing, would probably not be found alive, if found at all.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Yes, the sensory organs were on overload. I also had to turn off the TV and radio, it was just too much to bear.