Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A rainy wednesday...

It is raining here, although I don't think it will last long. But, it is nice regardless. Maybe it will wash the dust off my car...

Jake's grandma Almond passed away last week, so we were home this past weekend. I feel like I haven't been able to catch my breath lately. We leave tomorrow evening to head home again, this time for a wedding. Alex (little bro) is getting married on Saturday. So, this will be 2 weekends in a row that we have had to travel. Luckily, we are both off on Friday and Monday. I am really going to need Monday to rest.

I am trying really hard not to let myself get overwhelmed, but it isn't so easy. Last weekend was extremely emotional, but I felt like I had to keep myself in check. Ever felt like if you started crying you wouldn't stop? Yeah, that was me. I just felt like I needed to be strong for everyone else. But, I am starting to think that I should have just been a basket case and let them get over it! I have a feeling that this weekend will be different though. I am just too tired to hold it together. Of course, knowing myself like I do, I will probably hold it all in until Saturday night and cry myself to sleep.

On a different note...

Ryan is growing a little every day now. At least it feels that way! He has discovered my ribs, liver, and sciatic nerve. He seems to have fun playing with them on a regular basis! :-) And, he already has an attitude. Yesterday, he was laying really low, and it was really painful. So, I started jiggling him and poking him in hopes that he would move. Yeah, he wasn't about to do that! He just kicked and poked me right back. Did he move? Nope, not an inch! Needless to say, yesterday was a very uncomfortable day for me.

I had a great b-day though. Jake was so sweet. He bought me a cake and pizza. Yum! The cake was really sweet too. He decided that he would do the writing on it, so he bought one of those ready made icing things. Well, he was using the writing tip, and dropped it and Hank grabbed it up and chewed on it. So, he had to use another tip. He wrote: Happy Birthday, I love you. Much to my horror though, he actually put 25 candles on it! AHHHH!!!! And, not only did he do that, but he clumped them all together, so it looked like an inferno! Lol! The 25th candle was yellow (the only on in the pack he pointed out) and was set apart from the rest. He said that it symbolized how this year was different from all the rest. I thought it was so sweet, it almost made me cry. I'll post pics of it later.
Kristi bought me the cutest pair of shoes, and a matching hand bag! That was exciting too! I am a sucker for shoes and bags!
Anita sent me X-files season 5, so of course I was thrilled about that. She also gave me an awesome eyebrow tweezer and eyelash brush, as well as a really neat bag that says: "Get Groovy...Go Green"
I love thoughtful gifts. :-)

Well, I think I have written enough for now! I'll see some of you this weekend!


Shannon said...

Sometimes it is good to have a good cry, but I know what you mean about not being able to stop. That happened to me last year, and in an effort to get me to laugh, Landon told me I was going to warp the hardwood floor from all of the tears. (I didn't think it was funny then, lol)
I was cracking up by the cake looking like an inferno, as I haven't allowed more than ONE candle on a cake for many years. Hang in there, can't believe Alex is getting married, shouldn't he still be five and annoying the heck out of us?

Rockin' it up said...

friend! I'm home too! Maybe we can get together for lunch or something...but you'll probably be too busy w/ the wedding :(. Well, call my cell and we'll see what we can do :)

BE said...

Happy Belated Birthday! I too can't believe Alex is anywhere near old enough to get married- ack, that just means I getting sooo old. I hope the traveling is easy for you and this weekend goes smoothly. And don't forget- sometimes it is good to cry.