Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Weekend

Have you ever had a day when you just felt bad? You aren't sick; you just feel like poo? Well for me that day has been today. I haven't had a day like this in a while. All day I have just been tired, lethargic if you will. I've tried a little caffeine, I've tried eating fruit, I've tried eating a good meal. I thought I might be dehydrated, so I have drank water. Nothing has helped. I am really hoping that I am feeling better tomorrow. Otherwise, I may try to leave work a little early. I really wish I had another day in this weekend.

On a brighter side, Jake and went and got new phones today! :-) The buttons on my old phone didn't work! Although, I did feel like had abandoned an old friend when I left it. That phone and I had been through a lot.

Well, I am going to bed now. Maybe if I get a little extra sleep I will feel better in the morning.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Long time no write!

I just realized that it has been a while since I wrote anything on here. So, I will write now. I am sitting at work, starving. We have food on its way, but it seems like it is taking forever! I decided to start working out again. Wednesday I started walking with a girl here at work. We walked a mile after work; it felt so good to get my blood pumping, and the weather was awesome. Last night Kristi and I walked about 1.5mi. We live in a really nice neighborhood, quite and not a lot of cars. I took the camera, but I haven't downloaded the pics yet. I will post them when I do. After we walked, I exercised more at home. Surprisingly, I'm not too sore this morning, and I feel really good. I think I jump started my metabolism though. I have been so hungry all day! And, I have eaten. I ate my breakfast like a good girl! :-)

Well my food is here now, so I am going to go! I will write more in a bit.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Vitamins vs. The Empty Stomach

Just in case you weren't aware, you shouldn't take vitamins on an empty/almost empty stomach. I have never had morning sickness, but I think it must be similar. I was just sitting here at work, feeling fine, and all the sudden I thought I was going to loose it all over my station. I had to run and grab a pack of crackers. Hopefully they will help me out. I guess I need to eat more in the morning! :-)

Thursday, March 13, 2008


OH My Gosh! I think I am having PMS. Post that is. I have been craving chocolate all day long! I can’t seem to get enough of it. It is almost like my body needs it. Of course, I can’t think of a time when I didn’t NEED chocolate. :-) As I am writing this, I am also cooking. What am I cooking? Thai Sweet Chili Chicken, with noodles. It is going to be awesome! I am cooking fettuccine noodles, to which I am going to add: oil, garlic, ginger, oregano, red pepper, lemon, and maybe a little butter. I really wish I had some white wine. Cilantro would have been really good as well. Hmmmm....I should have made a list. :-( Oh well. It is going to be really good. I can’t believe it is already so late. Jake has to work 3rd shift tonight. I am NOT looking forward to that. I haven’t even spoken to him since I have been home. He is trying to sleep so he won’t feel horrible in the morning. It is going to be really hard for me to wake up too. I am so used to him getting up first, taking the dog out, and then I get up when he tells me bye. I am so spoiled! It is times like right now when I am glad I don’t have children. I enjoy being spoiled. Maybe one day, but for now, I like my sleep. :-)

Which reminds me.....Congrats Shanna and Shane! Emily Rae Frick, 6lbs, some odd onces, and 19in long! I can’t wait to see her!

Anyway, back to the food....
Last night I made General Tso’s Chicken. It was sooo good! I was so happy with it. Jake made sticky rice, and it turned out perfect. And, I was able to use my Tupperware Microwave cooker for the first time. We got it at a shower before we were married, but I haven’t had a microwave large enough for it to fit in! :-) Well, I steamed broccoli last night, it only 10 minutes! And, I think it could have been steamed a little less. So, next time I think I will only put 8 mins. The whole meal was far better than a restaurant, and much cheaper. We have been trying to cook with more variety at home; hoping that this will help us not want to eat out as often.

Well, the food is done, and I am hungry! :-) So, I will go now. Maybe I will take a picture so you can see it!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


New tellers, new ideas, new thoughts, new headache. This has been my week. The headache just hit, and yes it is a literal headache. :-) Not caused by the afore mentioned list. Things have been going really well so far. Hopefully they will continue too. We are having another bake sale this friday for Relay, so that should be fun. I think spring is here to stay, and with that comes pollen. This is where I think my headache is stemming. Or, it could be a caffeine withdrawal symptom. I am trying to stop using it, but I keep forgetting to drink my green tea instead. It really makes a HUGE difference. Anyway, I think I will take a Claritin just in case. My new piano student couldn't come tonight because he has pink eye. :-( Poor thing. I have to say I am a little glad though, my head really hurts. Well, that is about it. I really don't have a lot to say. :-) Just a normal day and week... 
Here are few new pics!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Today Rocked!

Today was a really good day for me! I had two new tellers start, which I was worried about, but they did great. I received a call about Piano lessons and I have a new student starting tomorrow evening. I am so excited! When we moved I had to drop all my students. I didn’t realize how much I missed teaching until today. I can’t wait! I spoke with Matt; I may have found him a job and a roommate. And, he said that he made A’s on his midterms. Also, I spoke to my MK consultant about possibly selling MK, and that went really well. We had a nice lunch at a local cafĂ©; my salad was awesome. Also, Rafaella’s, a local Italian restaurant brought us lunch, so I have that to eat for supper. Yum! So, all in all, this day rocked! The rest of the week has a lot to live up to! J

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Last night I hosted a Mary-Kay party. I have never been a huge fan of the MK makeup, but I realize now, that I had just not talked with the correct consultant. I tried their new Mineral Wear foundation/powder, of which of was very skeptical, and it was awesome! It had such great coverage! I am sooo excited that I have finally found a makeup that matches, and looks very natural. Anyway, we had a really fun time. There were just 5 of us, plus the consultant, but it was fun. It made me want to have girl nights more often. It was nice to make snacks and just sit around eating, and having fun together.

Matt came down this week, and will be here through Sat. I am really excited about that too. Matt, other than Jake and Kristi, is my BFF. I know that sounds funny, but he is like my brother. :0)

OH! And, we have been working on a short film. I am really excited about that too.

I am just excited all around! :-)