Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A Teary Eyed Day

This morning when I woke up I didn’t think I was going to be able to pull myself out of bed. I have been having hot flashes, and not sleeping well for the past several days. So, on top of being really tired, I am also very emotionally charged. I was reading a friends blog yesterday, she is also preggo, and she was talking about how emotional she is, and how she cries over everything. I thought at the time, “Boy, I am so glad that I am not that bad, and haven’t had a hard time lately.” That thought was very premature! Of course, her outrageous emotions are from low iron and can be fixed. Mine are just from exhaustion. We had friends down this past weekend, and it was so much fun. I really enjoyed myself. However, it really wore me out. I hate that I can’t be the fun spontaneous person that I used to be. Not that I was ever “wild,” but I could stay up until way past midnight with no problems. Now, staying up past 10 is a major ordeal.

Anyway, I am very teary today. Every sad song that comes on the radio makes me want to cry. Even answering the phone makes me almost cry. I haven’t seen Jake since Sunday, just typing that makes me want to cry. I even tried to make myself suck it up by reminding myself that some of my friends and family have husbands or sig. others off fighting wars. That didn’t help. It just made me want to cry even more for them! Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day. Until then, I will sit here and try to think happy thoughts.

This reminds me… only 6.5 more days until we find out if we are getting a hamburger or hotdog! Yea! There is a happy thought. I will cling to that one! Lol!


Shannon said...

Hang in there!!! The "hamburger or hotdog" is just too funny!!!

Rockin' it up said...

oh friend, so sorry you're going through a tough time. Dave was gone for four days last week and I forgot how much I hate being in the house alone--he even took the dog! I missed him terribly. If ya need a friendly voice give me a ring! Love you!

farmersdaughter4ever said...

not to make you cry more...but the being spontaneous days are over!...once that cute hamburger or hotdog gets here you will find your self in bed at 7oclock some nights!...anything for a few hours of sleep!....oh and the sleepless nights now, that's God's way of preparing you for that H or H! :) BUT I promise it's SO wonderful that I'm willing to do it for the 3rd time in four years!'s so worth it!...don't worry about the tears, it's better to be a crier than a mean prego person! me, I know some of them too! cry away...and hang on to the fact that the crying spells come and go!...see this week, I'm much better! don't ask me about tomorrow, can't answer that one, but the last few days have been good! :) Also, just think, it won't be long that you'll get to sit and feel the baby rock and roll'll feel feet and elbows all the time and it's SO much fun guessing what that it is that's poking you now!...THEN, before you know it, you'll be holding this thing...this beautiful thing that God has given to you....only He knows what He's doing....but you wonder what you ever did to deserve this thing....are you crying yet...I am! :) So think about that, and cry if you need...and hang in there!..ok so that's it for my trying to cheer you up...I probably just made you cry more, but it's the thought that counts...right!?

Anonymous said...

Heather, to add to Beth's remarks...then one day you'll turn around and your "baby" is 36 and you're going to Carowinds with 4 grandsons, and loving it. Or your second baby is 33 and you're splashing in the pool with his children and seeing them learn to swim and loving it. I've been pregnant in my 20's, 30's, and 40's and each birth was amazing. Would I do it again? Not at 59! But Dave sure would! Your life is about to be fuller than ever.
Love ya, Judy Eddy