Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Last night I realized that we were dangerously low on TP. So, I texted Jake, who was at his grandma's, to bring home a roll. Then I called him to make sure he got the text. Then, before I went to bed, I texted him again. Guess what people? This morning I get up, and there is NO TP in the house. Yeah. How can you forget when you are reminded 3 times???!!! Seriously???!!! UGH!

On a lighter note I had the funniest thought last night. I had just finished reading a book, and looked down an noticed that I was using TP as a book mark. :-) (You know you have done it too) Well, I thought, "I might better save that for later." LOL! Then I just started laughing on the couch. You know you are really pushing it with the TP when you are considering using the 2 squares of it you just used for a bookmark...


Katie Barbee said...

Hahaha! Hey when you're stuck, you're stuck.

Shannon said...

Hilarious!! I would like to say it gets better, but men are seriously clueless sometimes. :)

Rockin' it up said...

lol! That's awesome! Miss you guys! Hey--we're gonna be in town next weekend--we arrive late Saturday night and will be there till Monday evening. Dunno if we can get together, but if you wanted to come swimming at gmama's pool sometime on monday maybe we could meet up then!