Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Tuesday again...

It is only Tuesday and I feel like I have worked a whole week. Yesterday felt like it was eternal. Mondays seem much longer than they are, but yesterday took the cake. I just had so much to do at work. And, one of my teller's quit. She didn't give a notice or anything. I am not upset that she left, in fact I understand competly. It just seems that timing isn't on my side. I am supposed to be off this coming Mon and Tues, for our 3yr anniversary. But, if I can't get another teller to replace her, I have to work. To which I am not going to be happy, and may have a slight breakdown. I NEED those 2 days. Last year I didn't even get to see Jake on our anniversary. I was in training for work 6 hrs away. So this year, if I get screwed over agian by work, I am going to be very upset. Not to mention that Jake and I really need the time together. It is rare that we can take off at the same time, unless it is a holiday. So, we don't really get to spend a lot of quality, alone time together. We both need to have those days to talk, go out to eat, relax. Reconnect. Not that we aren't connected, but with the stress of work and life in general, sometimes you aren't as close as you should be. We were both really looking forward this weekend. Oh well. We will see how it turns out. Maybe I can beg someone! :-)

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