Friday, March 28, 2008

Long time no write!

I just realized that it has been a while since I wrote anything on here. So, I will write now. I am sitting at work, starving. We have food on its way, but it seems like it is taking forever! I decided to start working out again. Wednesday I started walking with a girl here at work. We walked a mile after work; it felt so good to get my blood pumping, and the weather was awesome. Last night Kristi and I walked about 1.5mi. We live in a really nice neighborhood, quite and not a lot of cars. I took the camera, but I haven't downloaded the pics yet. I will post them when I do. After we walked, I exercised more at home. Surprisingly, I'm not too sore this morning, and I feel really good. I think I jump started my metabolism though. I have been so hungry all day! And, I have eaten. I ate my breakfast like a good girl! :-)

Well my food is here now, so I am going to go! I will write more in a bit.


Shannon said...

I know what you mean about exercising making you feel great and energized. I absolutely LOVE my pilates classes, but lately I haven't been able to go so the boys and I have been walking at the track.

BE said...

Good to see another post from you! Love hearing about what you are up to. I really need to exercise. :( I wish we had a nice neighborhood to walk in.