Thursday, March 13, 2008


OH My Gosh! I think I am having PMS. Post that is. I have been craving chocolate all day long! I can’t seem to get enough of it. It is almost like my body needs it. Of course, I can’t think of a time when I didn’t NEED chocolate. :-) As I am writing this, I am also cooking. What am I cooking? Thai Sweet Chili Chicken, with noodles. It is going to be awesome! I am cooking fettuccine noodles, to which I am going to add: oil, garlic, ginger, oregano, red pepper, lemon, and maybe a little butter. I really wish I had some white wine. Cilantro would have been really good as well. Hmmmm....I should have made a list. :-( Oh well. It is going to be really good. I can’t believe it is already so late. Jake has to work 3rd shift tonight. I am NOT looking forward to that. I haven’t even spoken to him since I have been home. He is trying to sleep so he won’t feel horrible in the morning. It is going to be really hard for me to wake up too. I am so used to him getting up first, taking the dog out, and then I get up when he tells me bye. I am so spoiled! It is times like right now when I am glad I don’t have children. I enjoy being spoiled. Maybe one day, but for now, I like my sleep. :-)

Which reminds me.....Congrats Shanna and Shane! Emily Rae Frick, 6lbs, some odd onces, and 19in long! I can’t wait to see her!

Anyway, back to the food....
Last night I made General Tso’s Chicken. It was sooo good! I was so happy with it. Jake made sticky rice, and it turned out perfect. And, I was able to use my Tupperware Microwave cooker for the first time. We got it at a shower before we were married, but I haven’t had a microwave large enough for it to fit in! :-) Well, I steamed broccoli last night, it only 10 minutes! And, I think it could have been steamed a little less. So, next time I think I will only put 8 mins. The whole meal was far better than a restaurant, and much cheaper. We have been trying to cook with more variety at home; hoping that this will help us not want to eat out as often.

Well, the food is done, and I am hungry! :-) So, I will go now. Maybe I will take a picture so you can see it!


Shannon said...

Mmmmmmmm, sounds delish! Now I am hungry. Can't believe Shanna and Shane are parents. (also can't believe that my smallest twin was bigger than their one baby, lol)

BE said...

I want to come and eat at your house! Sounds yummy! I agree with Shannon, I can't believe Shane & Shanna have a baby, yay for them. It seems like I just found out she was preggo.

Oh, and keep on sleeping, because when/if you have kids, that sleeping goes bye-bye! Enjoy it while you can.

Rockin' it up said...

I love the chocolate orange things that are hard to get here in the States. I always have Dave's sister or parents bring some over when they come :). Glad you're back to teaching and enjoying it. Tell Mr. Man I said hello and i hope he's doing well. I added him on my myspace page--I finally gave it to myspace, but I still like facebook more cause it's easier. I feel like an old person cause i can't figure myspace out and how to use it and stuff :) frustrating. Miss you guys!