Monday, December 31, 2007

We are in, and I am pain...

We are finally moved in to our new house. Everything went really well. Thanks to everyone who came to help, we couldn't have done it with out you.
Also, I went to the Dr. today, and I may have kidney stones. We will find out this afternoon sometime. For now, I am going to go lie down. Pain is a bitch!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Here are some more pics!

Here you go guys! More pics of our Christmas!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Merry Christmas Everyone! Here are a few pics of our big day!

Friday, December 14, 2007

The countdown begins...

So the countdown has begun...

There are only 28mins left here at work, and I am starting to get excited. Jake is bring food home for himself, Doug, and I. Mmmmm...KFC! I still have so much to do when I get home. Pack, wrap the last of the gifts, and clean the litter box. Jake wants to leave by 8, but I am not sure I will be able to make that deadline. I am going to try, but I won't get home until close to 7. I am not even sure that all my clothes are clean. Oh well, I can wash clothes at mom's. I am not sure if I will have to drive or not. I hope not, I really don't see to well at night, which makes me nervous. I wear glasses at night, but they throw a glare. I really need to get them treated so they don't do that anymore. OH well, I need to go! Time got away from me, and we got busy at work. I only have 3 mins! YEA!!! I'll post pics of this weekend later.

Thursday, December 13, 2007


Once agian, I am sitting here at work with nothing to do in this exact moment. I am eating cheeze doodle, which I am sure aren't supposed to be for breakfast. But, I don't care. I am very quickly becoming moody. I woke up this morning at 7. I don't remember the alarm going off, but I was sleeping really heavy. Sleep wasn't so great, I kept dreaming really off the wall stuff. When I did wake, I felt rushed. I am also bloated and ugly. Ok, so I'm not ugly, but I am very bloated! :-) Between stress, and pms, I am not a wonderful person today.
I have to go to the laywers office in a bit and pay him for going to court for me. I have to go to walmart tonight after work so I can finish my shopping. Walmart is of the devil! I feel like I need to take meds before I go! Seriously, ours is always super hot, crowded, the people use carts as weapons, and I always feel like I am going to have a panic attack driving through the parking lot.
This day isn't going to be fun.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

It's a slow one....

So far today, it has been really slow at work. I am just sitting here, trying to think of something to do. There are things to do, but none of them are calling my name right now. I still have a cold, and every now and then I get chills. I would really like to be outside right now. It is going to be 79 today. 79 on the 12th of December! It doesn't feel like Christmas is near. But, it doesn't seem that way for several reasons. The stresses of moving, and money, and family matters are finally starting to catch up to Jake and I.
God has always been good to us, and we have never gone without. So, I don't know why we worry so much. I just remind myself that we have come so far in the past 3 yrs. We have gone from living with his parents, then a camper, an apartment, a small but nice house, to living at the beach. It seems sometimes that we are always taking a step back, but the truth is we are taking at least 3 steps forward and only 1 back. We are making progress, even if it isn't as fast as we would like. I will probably have to read my own blog at least 2x a day through the new year just to cheer myself up!
I did get my car finally. That is one thing to be very thankful for. Although, I am really nervous driving now. I know people were angry at me this morning, b/c I wouldn't go over the speed limit, and I would stay way back from the cars in front of me. (even if it meant going really slow) People do not know how to drive here. They are on a delayed response. People slam on breaks for no reason, cut you off in traffic, and just do random wierd things while driving. No one pays attention to what they are doing. So, as you can see, I am very freaked out about driving now!
Well, I need to do a few things, but if anything changes I will let you know!

BTW: Jake's grandmother is in the hospital. Her kidneys were failing, and she has been on medication. She seems to be doing some better, but the Dr. is going to release her into a nursing home. Please keep her and the family in your prayers. It is going to be very hard on grandpa, he has never had to be without her.

Sunday, December 9, 2007


I just dragged myself out of bed, well after Jake made 11 sound like the most horrible hour ever. And, I just don't fell motivated to do anything. So, I don't think I will. Today I am going to be lazy. Next weekend really starts the whole crazy process of Christmas and moving. We will be back home for 4 days, and then when we come home to the beach we will have to really buckle down and start packing. I have started in some areas, but there are others that I have been avoiding. Crunch time is near! (mmmm...crunch, like cinnamon toast crunch....) Anyway, as I was saying, today is going be a day to rest before chaos starts.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Update on Cookie Party

So, I wasn't able to go after all. I started feeling much worse, and I was running a low grade fever. I don't think I am running one now, but I feel pretty crappy. Hopefully, it will be a short lived cold. :0) See Jake, I do say positive things when I feel bad! :0) Anyways, just thought I would type a quick update. TTYL!

Cookie Party

I am supposed to be going to a cookie/ornament exchange today. I really don't feel like it, because I am getting a cold. My ears are all itchy, my throat is sore, and my nose is runny. This seems like enough reasons to call and tell the host that I am not coming. But, my wonderful husband has decided that he will help me make the cookies so I can still go. Isn't that great? :-) So, I guess I am still going. We are supposed to make 2doz cookies. And, instead of choosing a cookie that would be really easy to make, I choose the sugar cookie. I always choose the most complicated. I don't know why I do this, I just do. Kristi was supposed to go with me, but she is really sick (hmmm, I wonder if that is why I am sick...). So, I will be flying solo. And, I will be driving Jakes car. :-( I really, really want my car back. I should be able to get it on Monday morning. But, with my luck, something really off the wall will happen in the shop and it will be delayed for forever. As long as I have it by next Friday, I will be ok. The thought of having to pile everything into Jake's car for that 3hr ride home, isn't exciting! :-) Well, I guess I need to go and start on the cookies. TTYL!

Friday, December 7, 2007

December is going to be yucky...

This is the pier at Carolina Beach, down at the North End.

So, I forgot that I have this blog... I am glad I remembered because I am really bored right now!

So much has happend in the past month, I don't know if I will go into everything. The first part of November we decided that we were going to have to move, again. We are still going to be on the island, but it is a pain to have to pack everything up. I have started throwing stuff out. I am tired of all the clutter, and I refuse to move that much stuff again! I decided that if it hasn't been used since we were married (almost 3yrs) it is getting tossed. We will get the keys to the new house on the 26th.

It has been very stressful, but it will be worth it in the end. Our new landlord is super nice, and seems to be very professional. This will be a huge change from what we have been dealing with. The house is also a single family house (no more duplex!) and it is in a very nice community. No more crack head neighbors! Yea! Also, we will be within walking distance to the beach access. This makes me very happy!

Speaking of stress...I was in a wreck about 3 weeks ago. It wasn't a bad wreck, but it still took out my radiator. I am frustrated b/c my car should be done today, but I can't go get it until Monday! AHHH!!! I miss my car!!!

We will be going home next weekend to celebrate Christmas with our families. Jake couldn't take off any for the week of Christmas, so we are going home early. I am kind of disapointed in some ways, and relieved in others. This will be the first Christmas that either of us have been away from family. It will be nice to just relax and spend the day together, but I will really miss seeing my family. I miss all the decoration that my mom puts up in the home. I wasn't able to decorate like I usually do; we decided it isn't worth the effort since we are moving right after Christmas. We did get a tree, and it is really pretty, and I put up the small nativity scene. Oh well, I will survive!

Well, I need to work, so bye for now!

Friday, October 12, 2007

They took it away....

They finally blocked myspace at work. So, I am here, doing my thing. They can take away our toys, but they can't take away our FREEDOM!!! Or, better stated, I will find a way to have fun!!!