Friday, December 7, 2007

December is going to be yucky...

This is the pier at Carolina Beach, down at the North End.

So, I forgot that I have this blog... I am glad I remembered because I am really bored right now!

So much has happend in the past month, I don't know if I will go into everything. The first part of November we decided that we were going to have to move, again. We are still going to be on the island, but it is a pain to have to pack everything up. I have started throwing stuff out. I am tired of all the clutter, and I refuse to move that much stuff again! I decided that if it hasn't been used since we were married (almost 3yrs) it is getting tossed. We will get the keys to the new house on the 26th.

It has been very stressful, but it will be worth it in the end. Our new landlord is super nice, and seems to be very professional. This will be a huge change from what we have been dealing with. The house is also a single family house (no more duplex!) and it is in a very nice community. No more crack head neighbors! Yea! Also, we will be within walking distance to the beach access. This makes me very happy!

Speaking of stress...I was in a wreck about 3 weeks ago. It wasn't a bad wreck, but it still took out my radiator. I am frustrated b/c my car should be done today, but I can't go get it until Monday! AHHH!!! I miss my car!!!

We will be going home next weekend to celebrate Christmas with our families. Jake couldn't take off any for the week of Christmas, so we are going home early. I am kind of disapointed in some ways, and relieved in others. This will be the first Christmas that either of us have been away from family. It will be nice to just relax and spend the day together, but I will really miss seeing my family. I miss all the decoration that my mom puts up in the home. I wasn't able to decorate like I usually do; we decided it isn't worth the effort since we are moving right after Christmas. We did get a tree, and it is really pretty, and I put up the small nativity scene. Oh well, I will survive!

Well, I need to work, so bye for now!

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