Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Wednesday is a good day

I found out that I will still be off on Mon and Tues! Yea! I was so worried! :-) So, it looks like our plans (or lack there of) will still be fulfilled. I am looking forward to having 4 days off, and just relaxing. I am not sure what we will be doing, but I do know that it will include dinner and a movie. :-) Possibly a trip to the aquarium? The battleship? A New Restaurant? Who knows what the weekend will hold!


Rockin' it up said...

Happy Anniversary Guys! I remember your wedding day perfectly! I was so excited for you both...still am! I mean, really, who else could you have found that was your height!? --JUST KIDDING! I love you both and hope you have a WONDERFUL anniversary!

Shannon said...

Hello Heather, I have been reading your blog. I finally started one of my own. Check it out.

BE said...

I hope you guys had a great anniversary! What did you end up doing? -Brandy